Prevent click fraud, block bots and improve your campaigns ROAS.
Based on 1000+ reviews
Our AI filters analyze every click on your Google Ads in real time.. No bots, click farms or other invalid traffic sources allowed.
ClickCease automatically sends fraudulent IPs to your Google Ads exclusion list in under 3 seconds. Our industry leading click fraud filters won’t block any genuine customers.
Use custom detection settings, or choose our industry specific presets. Adjust click thresholds and filter traffic with the fastest fraud blocking software in the industry.
Auto-block unwanted visitors -The ClickCease blacklist is updated constantly, giving you the power to block bad clicks. No more manual exclusions or wasting time analysing IP addresses.
With session recordings of each click, you can now see how visitors (and bots) interact with your site.
Using accurate ISP and location tracking, discover where your traffic is really coming from. Our filters look behind every click to uncover the true location, from country, city and even street address.
Get total control over who clicks your ads. Detailed insights flag up fraudulent visitors, out-of-geo clicks and other non-converting ad traffic so you can optimize your campaigns.
Real-Time blocking refers to how quickly a fraudulent IP is detected and added to the exclusion list
Block any IP that is using a VPN or proxy
Set how many times an individual IP can click on your paid ads before being automatically blocked.
Set up your detection settings with industry suggestions, making sure your business is in line with the protection it needs
Total transparency about each click. Know exactly where the click came from. How they clicked and when it occured.
See visitor mouse movements - we use this data in order to detect and block fraud.
Join +50K sites that use ClickCease to save money on their Google Ads and Facebook Ads
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